Do you have dental phobias or have issues with having dentistry provided in a dental surgery?

At Limestone Dental we understand that for some people going to the dentist is a nerve-racking experience. When you need to get dental treatment it can be even more unsettling.

While most dental procedures aren’t painful, some people can get stressed just thinking about going to the dentist. For those who have a fear or phobia of dentists or dental treatment then General Anaesthetic (GA) Dentistry might be for you. It is commonly used on patients who have a fear or phobia of dental treatment and enables them to be carried out whilst you are asleep making your dental visit a much more pleasant experience.

The underlying issue for most people who suffer a phobia of visiting the dentist is that they neglect or delay their dental treatments. In turn, this can lead to bigger problems and more damage to the teeth.

Who is General Anaesthetic Dentistry for?

It is commonly used for patients that have fears or phobias of dentists and dental treatment. These fears cause panic and anxiety giving huge stress about getting treatment.

Common reasons for having a General Anaesthetic in dentistry:

  • Fear of pain
  • History of traumatic dental experiences
  • Ability to have multiple fillings, a lot of treatment done at once
  • Complex dental problems
    • Extraction of wisdom teeth
    • Implant Placement
    • Other Oral Surgery
  • Young Children
  • Patients with disabilities

Contact our team at Limestone Dental Ipswich, to see if GA Dentistry is right for you.

What is General Anaesthetic Dentistry?

General anaesthesia causes a state of complete unconsciousness, patients will not remember or feel any part of the procedure. For all dental procedures under general anaesthetic, Limestone Dental Group’s dentists work closely with anaesthetists who are medical specialists specifically trained and experience in administering general anaesthesia. The anaesthetists assess each patient, administer anaesthesia and monitor patients before and after the procedure. We perform these procedures at St Andrews Day Hospital, Pring Street.

In addition to the costs of dental treatment (which may be partially covered by Dental Cover with Private Health Insurance), patients undergoing General Anaesthetic will be charged a fee from the anaesthetist (partially covered by Medicare) and costs to cover admission into the Day Hospital (this may be partially covered by Hospital Cover with Private Health Insurance). Currently, the Child Dental Benefit Schedule does not cover any dental treatment performed in a hospital setting including general anaesthetic.

At Limestone Dental Group, we also have specialist oral surgeons that we can refer patients to for the removal of impacted wisdom teeth under general anaesthetic.

Patients intending to have a general anaesthetic for their dentistry will first need to have a consultation at Limestone Dental Group. Our staff will then organise all the relevant paperwork, including a non-refundable booking fee. At this stage, Dental General Anaesthetics are performed on Friday mornings.

If you would like more information about General Anaesthetics and whether this would be right for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 3281 1466 or by emailing