Your mouth is amazing! It helps you to eat, speak and smile confidently—to enjoy life.

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated globally every year.

Organised by the FDI World Dental Federation, it is the largest global awareness campaign on oral health.

WOHD spreads messages about good oral hygiene practices to adults and children alike and demonstrates the importance of optimal oral health in maintaining general health and well-being.

Each year, WOHD focuses on a specific theme and reaches out to the public, oral health professionals, and policymakers, who all have a role to play in helping reduce the burden of oral disease.

At Limestone Dental, we believe in the importance of good oral hygiene. Since establishing our practice in Ipswich we have been promoting preventative care for your teeth. This year for World Oral health day we will be bringing the day to Ipswich.

Want to help spread the word on oral health?

Come into our Ipswich practice and take your picture with the offical pledge cards. Make your pledge to how you are going to take care of your smile and share it with your friends.

Whatever your age, taking care of your mouth is crucial for your general health, as your mouth and body are connected.

Yet half the people in the world suffer from oral diseases such as tooth decay and gum disease, which can affect all the things we take for granted, like eating, speaking and smiling.

Did you know that according to the World Dental Federation, Oral diseases are the fourth most expensive out-of-the pocket disease to treat.

When was the last time you had a check up? You can book in with one of our dentists and take control of your oral heath. Keeping  your teeth sparkling, smile bright and confidence high.

Find out more about World Oral Health Day HERE