There is nothing better than children having a happy and healthy smile.

That is why Limestone Dental Group are participating in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). This government initiative allows children who are eligible up to $1,013 worth of dental treatment over a two year period.

Contact our team and we will happily assist you.

The Federal Government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) provides basic dental services to children between the ages of 2 and 17 years.

The benefits that are available to those children and families that are eligible are as follows.

The 2 year cap period starts when a child or teenager first gets an eligible dental service.

If a child or teenager already started their 2 year cap period in 2016, they can continue to access the rest of the previous cap of $1,013 until 31 December 2017, provided the child is eligible for the CDBS in 2017.

If you don’t use all of the $1,000 benefit in the first year of eligibility, it can be used in the second year if the child remains eligible. Any remaining benefit can’t be accessed after the end of the second year.

Benefits cover a range of services including:

  • examinations
  • X-rays
  • cleaning
  • fissure sealing
  • fillings
  • root canals
  • extractions

Benefits aren’t available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and can’t be paid for any services provided in a hospital.

CDBS services won’t count towards the Medicare Safety Net or the Extended Medicare Safety Net thresholds.

For more information on CDBS in Ipswich, call Limestone Dental Group at 07 3281 1466.