Whitening can cause temporary sensitivity of teeth (dull ache, sharp pain or hot/cold sensitivity)/ this usually lasts several hours after whitening, but sometimes longer, however, it never leaves any residual problem. In some patients, gum irritation can be caused by the whitening gel. This can be seen as a white area where the gel has contacted the gum, the gum will return to normal within a few hours after removal of the whitening tray.

If you experience sensitivity, it is quite alright to whiten one day on, one day off. You can also use sensitive toothpaste or ‘Tooth Moose’ (available at Limestone Dental) to desensitize your teeth. Avoid ‘acidic’ food, soft drinks, citrus fruits and beverages; these foods have the effect of opening up the tiny tubules. If you have any concerns or are experiencing any burning on the gum, you should reduce your whitening duration and contact your dentist.