How should I store my whitening kit?


It is best to keep your bulk supply of whitening gel in the refrigerator in a sealed bag/container. The open tube should be kept at room temperature in a dry place. Dried bleaching trays should be stored in the container provided in a cool area away from direct sunlight/heat to avoid distortion.

How should I store my whitening kit?2023-01-16T21:21:35+10:00

Is tooth whitening for everyone?


Tooth whitening is generally contraindicated in patients who have pre-existing tooth sensitivity, active dental decay or are pregnant.  Patients with extensive front fillings or ceramic crowns may not be suited to tooth whitening and should discuss the procedure further with their dentist.

Is tooth whitening for everyone?2023-01-16T21:20:56+10:00

Do the bleaching systems that are available over the counter from shops work as efficiently and comfortably?


We have found them completely ineffective, have an unpleasant taste and sometimes ever damaged the teeth. None of these over the counter type products have custom made trays which stop just short of the gum edge. Consequently, the gel contacts the gum to much greater extent and the treatment time has to be kept to [...]

Do the bleaching systems that are available over the counter from shops work as efficiently and comfortably?2023-01-16T21:20:04+10:00

How white should I make my teeth?


As white as you want, but be aware that is it possible to make your teeth inappropriately white for your age. You want a reasonably natural appearance, so try to resist the temptation to become obsessed with whiteness-there is a balance and your dentist can help you asses this.

How white should I make my teeth?2023-01-16T21:17:52+10:00

What causes the teeth to discolour?


Teeth discolour and yellow due to general ageing. Other everyday factors include: Smoking Coffee, Tea, Red wine and Soft drink Red berries, spices, curries and chocolate Not taking good care of your teeth Certain antibiotics.

What causes the teeth to discolour?2023-01-16T21:17:20+10:00

If I have fillings, porcelain crowns or veneers in my teeth, will these change colour with the tooth?


No, but there is some ‘chameleon-like’ effect when the surrounding tooth whitens and the filing often appears to whiten somewhat as well. Stained fillings can be replaced after bleaching to improve the overall appearance.

If I have fillings, porcelain crowns or veneers in my teeth, will these change colour with the tooth?2023-01-16T21:16:47+10:00

When I use the whitening gel, I get white patches on my teeth. Will it stay like this?


Generally, no, as the gel is an ‘anhydrous’ formula which mean it has no water in it. There are areas in your enamel which turn a frosty white colour when they are dried – but these will return to normal as soon as water soaks back into the enamel. This usually takes from a few [...]

When I use the whitening gel, I get white patches on my teeth. Will it stay like this?2023-01-16T21:15:49+10:00

Do all teeth whiten evenly?


The biting edges of the teeth whiten faster than the areas adjacent to the gum. In some patient, whitening can result in a frosty, chalky appearance of the teeth, but this usually reverts to a more natural translucent appearance after several weeks. It may be a good idea to whiten your teeth and leave them [...]

Do all teeth whiten evenly?2023-01-16T21:15:19+10:00

How long should I whiten for?


As long as it takes to get the results you desire. This is usually 3-6 weeks; your dentist will assess the time required. Sometimes longer is required for stubborn stains, you simply stop when you are happy with the result.

How long should I whiten for?2023-01-16T21:13:22+10:00